Random Thoughts of a Unique Mind

Friday, May 19, 2006

Power of Prayer

"Do not be anxious then, saying 'What shall we eat', or 'What shall we drink' or 'With what shall we clothe ourselves'? For all these things the Gentiles eagerly seek; For your Heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you" Matthew 6:31-33 I Thessalonians 5:17 also tells us to "pray without ceasing"

These verses have been on my mind a lot here lately. Mainly because in the not so distant future, I will be faced with some choices that are going to be life changing and life shaping. Professionally speaking, I am still working on preparing myself for a transfer. Exactly where to is still up in the air and may not be shown to me for several months yet. I know that no matter where it is I go, that it will be a difficult challenge but definitely not one that I will be unable to handle. I have been praying that God's will be done and that in His time, He will reveal His plans to me. As is only natural, the hardest part of this phrase is the "in His time" part. I sometimes get frustrated with the uncertainty but I realize that I can't worry over things which I cannot change. Whatever is meant to happen will happen as long as I keep my mind open and God's will first in my heart.

On the personal level, I am faced with several decisions that I need to make. Life is treating me very well. I am content and happy with the way my life is going and I thoroughly enjoy my life. Naturally there are certain aspects which could be better and I am working on those things. Those that know me well know that at times, I can be a very difficult person to "crack". By that, I mean I tend to keep my problems to myself. It's not out of spite, or anger, or stubborness, but more related to the fact that I don't want to bother any other people with my problems. I tend to get the idea in my head that my problems are small, and wouldn't mean anything to anyone anyway.

I know that with my friends and family that is not really true, but I guess it's simply a combonation of my personality and genetics. Some of my family is most definitely the same way. There is one big issue that I have kept bottled up inside of me for a very long time. It's something that I should have taken care of long ago and I have finally (almost lol) decided that I am going to take care of this conflict in my life. It will not be an easy task, but I know that with God's help, this problem will be solved. Whatever the result is, I know that it will be His will because of my prayers. I have been praying that He give me the strength to cope with this, and I believe that I am finally ready to hit it head on.

Please keep the situation in your prayers. It will be a tough task but I will come through regardless of the outcome.

Update: My co-worker's surgery went well and the doctor let her go home yesterday. I visited her in the hospital and she was in good spirits (mainly because of the morphene lol). She should be back at work in about 6 weeks and back to her goofy, fun self.

Also, Rebecca's surgery was a success and she is doing better. I plan to call her this weekend and give her a hard time, just like old times. Thank you all for your prayers concerning these two ladies. It is much appreciated!


Blogger Jen said...

Hey - glad to hear that things are goin better for you ;). Miss chattin with ya! Take care Greg!

11:47 AM  

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