Random Thoughts of a Unique Mind

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

And we're off......

Hey All! Sorry it has been a while between postings. Things have been pretty busy as you can imagine. I appreciate the emails, calls, and prayers on my dad's behalf. We got some really good news yesterday. He went in for his first check-up since the surgery and the doctor was very pleased with his progress. He goes back in five weeks, but the doctor said that he can really start to ramp up his activities. In talking with Dad, he seems to be getting more and more like his old self. Thank God :)

As you can imagine, work is begining to get pretty busy. I am however, doing A LOT better at not putting in super long days. This time last year, fifteen hour days were the norm (just before I had surgery) but now, I have decided to make sure that I don't sacrifice my personal time for work. Ten or eleven hour days are about all I am doing now, and even getting out after eight or nine sometimes.

Next week, the bulk of my time at work will be spent in a training class. I will be teaching six students on the safety aspects of driving for FedEx and putting them through the rigors of learing all they can about us and our delivery techniques and systems. It will be fun and still a learning experience for me as well. This will only be the second class that I have taught, and the first under a new set of curriculum that we have to go by.

Man how time flies. Next week, my oldest nephew will be turning 18!! How did this happen?! It seems like only yesterday that I was holding this new baby boy and teaching him all sorts of fun things! I had a blast going to his tee ball games. Time does indeed fly.

There are a lot of things going on in and around my life which I won't expound upon. The best thing that I have recently started doing is participating more in a Bible study with the Young Professionals and Graduate Students at my church. We have a great turn-out and we really do discuss and study some very interesting, not always focused upon topics from the Bible. This church really has been a blessing in my life and has helped me to grow in ways I never imagined.

Hope that everyone is having a great week!

~God Bless~


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