A Dizzying Time
Hey All....
It's been a pretty dizzying past couple of weeks, and from the looks of it, it's going to be just as crazy for the next few weeks for me. For starters, the week that I turned the big 3-0, I got pretty sick. I told my friend Lisa that I thought I was going to die, and she said "C'mon Greg, turning 30 isn't going to kill you!", to which I replied, that she was correct, but the 102* fever might LOL. I was coughing like a madman. Several people told me I sounded terrible. My boss liked the fact that I couldn't really talk a lot. He said it was peaceful :-) I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with a bad sinus infection, along with a case of strep throat. He put me on medications that after a week, worked. For the most part I am better now, with a lingering sore throat that I may go get looked at again.
Then my dad had to have some surgery for a hernia. He's pretty sore and I can tell that it is bothering him more than he wants to let on. He was in the hospital for a day or so and is now at home, insisting that my sister is a mean slave driver because she is making him get up and walk around so that he doesn't get too sore. He's such a baby, as I admit, most guys are when getting sick.
This week my boss is on vacation, so I am covering a big portion of his duties. That'll extend my days this week by a couple of hours at least, not to mention the fact that I lose a day off. That comes with the territory though, and is a sacrifice that we all make when another manager is on vacation. It's no big deal. Minor inconvenience.
The latter half of next week, Mario is on vacation, so I will cover his area as well. I am hoping to get out of here pretty early next Saturday due to plans that I have. I am going to Atlanta, GA to see a friend of mine. It should be a fun visit.
Then the Saturday following that, I trek back into Georgia to go to Athens to see my friend Diane graduate from vet school. I have written about her several times in this blog, and I really look forward to seeing her and Kyle, her son. It's hard to believe that he is almost two years old. He was born the same week that I moved to Tuscaloosa. Almost two years! Man how time flies. I want to spend some good, quality time with her before she moves back home to West Virginia. She's an awesome young lady who I have been friends with for probably eight or nine years now. I am definitely proud to call her my friend :)
Once I return to Tuscaloosa, I have three more days off, (using the last of my vacation) and will use that time to start looking at houses. At this point, I am not positive I will buy one this year, but the odds are very likely. I have called around to see if anyone offers any first time home buyers classes or seminars, but in podunk Alabama, have had no success as of yet. We'll see what happens and what God has in store for me.
One really cool thing that I got to do was lead the class at church in a devotional/study last night. I put a lot of thought into it, and how I could make the class as interesting as possible. I got a few good comments from it, and I hope that everyone was able to learn something from it or at the very least, got something out of it.
I hope and pray that everyone who reads this is doing well and that your lives have been richly blessed. Keep sending me feedback on topics to write on, etc. I always appreciate comments, whether they be good or bad.
~God Bless~
I really enjoy reading your blog, and as I always, I am keeping you and your dad in my prayers. I have really enjoyed getting to know you, and this just helps me get to know you better!!!
Suggestion, why don't you write about the bad drivers in AL? LOL!
Take care and God bless
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