Random Thoughts of a Unique Mind

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Has it really been a year??

Wow...seems hard to believe that it has been over a year since I last posted on this thing. To be honest, I had totally forgotten about it.

Man, a lot has changed over the past year. I am now living and working in Tampa, Florida. I have taken a new position with FedEx Ground in which I am overseeing the implementation of a new map based system that helps the package handlers load the delivery vans in a more effective and efficient manner. It's a lot of work, and creates a lot of stress and very long hours, but once the program is up and running, I will start to see the fruits of my labor. I'm very excited about it and am at the point that I truly love my job again. There was a stretch in which it was just a job and I was going through the grind, but now...I am loving it once again.

Things with Amber just seem to get better and better every day. I am completely and totally in love with her. She is currently taking her final two classes in order to obtain her degree in finance. She finishes in July. Moving here for the job and to be closer to her seems to have been the best decision I ever made (next to becoming a Christian of course). I really do fall more and more in love with her each and every day. She's the most wonderful Christian lady that I know and I am so grateful for knowing her and being a part of her life.

Since my last posting I have also gotten a new niece! Molly June was born in March of this year. I was fortunate enough to be on vacation and in town when she was born. Amber and I had gone to Austin and got to be at the hospital when she was born. The one thing that I hate about being so far away from Texas is being so far away from my family. I get to see them three or four times a year, but that isn't enough. I now have nine nephews and nieces and seven of them I haven't ever had the opportunity to get to really know well. Of course they know me, but I miss getting to see them grow up and do things (like tee ball games, etc).

I am loving being in Florida. That may change in the next couple of months as hurricane season starts next week LOL. I have been through my share of tornados, but never a hurricane. I have already told Amber and her mom that if a hurricane comes, and I get nervous, I am hunkering down in their spare bedroom for a few days :-) Seriously, I think I'll be fine. Tampa generally doesn't get any direct hits from hurricanes, only moderate winds and good rainfall. Thankfully I am on a 2nd story apartment, and that is part of the reason that I requested that. Don't want any floodwaters in my apartment. However, we do deliver all along the Gulf of Mexico, so if a hurricane does come, there are parts of our service area that do get the brunt of the damage...time will tell what happens.

I really don't know what else to talk about. So much has happened that I could type forever and ever. If there is anything that you want me to talk about, just let me know. If anyone is headed to the Tampa area, or Orlando for vacation, let me know. I'm usually available to take a break and have lunch/dinner, and once this new project is up and running at work, I should have my weekends back!

Hope to hear from you soon! I hope and pray that everyone is doing well and in good health.

~God Bless~


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