As I was finishing up at work this morning, I went into Kim's office. Kim used to be my direct supervisor until she and I were both simultaniously promoted. I went into her old position.
Little bit of a back story here. Natrually, when you work with someone, day in, day out, you are going to forge a relationship. Kim and I have a unique relationship. She was my boss from September of 2001 until June of 2005, so naturally, we know each other well, and care about one another a lot. She is a very special lady.
Back to the story. Kim has been having a very rough time lately. She is going through a divorce. She has 3 children, the oldest of which is currently a senior in high school. Kim is only 35 years old so naturally, she had her children at a young age. More on this in a minute.
Anyway, I went into her office just to chat and see how she is doing. Like I said, she and I have a special relationship and to an extent, we can read eachother up there better than anyone else can. We can tell when the other one is in a bad mood or has something on their mind. Today was one of those days that I could tell Kim was thinking about something. During work, while everyone was there, I just walked up and gave her a hug. I told her I love her and she just smiled at me.
After the sort, and after I finished up all of my work, I went into her office just to chat. I asked how she was and she said she was ok. She asked about my dating life, which is non-existant. (LOL)We got to talking about her, and she said that after her divorce, she never wants to get married again. She said something very striking to me...she said that she was entirely too young when she got married and she now realizes that she was never truly in love. She said as sad as it sounds, that it is true. She said that she felt that she and her husband got married for the wrong reasons and she knows that he was never truly in love either.
I've been thinking about this all day. It's really sad that she said that. I am NOT knocking her. It just got me to thinking.
Usually, I am pretty care free and laid back. There is the occasional moment or day that I feel lonely and desire for companionship. However for the most part, I am very content with my life and my singleness. As I told Kim when she asked, I guess I have not gotten married because God's timing for that to happen just hasn't happened yet. If and when I find the girl that God intends for me to marry, then I will know it.
Kim's experience just solidified that for me. I would rather be single and happy than married and miserable. Too many times, we get wrapped up in the great things that come with a relationship. Relationships are indeed great and I treasure the ones that I have. However, they do require work and dedication. We can't go into them with our eyes closed.
It's ironic that this conversation happened today. Recently, despite "hiding" my feelings, I have been in a funk about being single. I have kinda moped around and felt sorta sorry for myself a little. No more! The conversation that we had, reminded me of just how blessed I am in life. Yes, we all have our battles, but God has blessed me in SO many ways, that I have no right to even begin to feel sorry for myself. I have a lot of great Christian family and friends who love me very much, and of course, who I love tremendously. Life has been good to me and I appreciate that.
To all of my friends who read this regularly, thank you for being a part of my life. I love and appreciate you all very much. I am blessed to have you in my life and am always here for each and every one of you. In your own ways, each of you has impacted my life in your own unique way, and helped to shape who I am, and who I will become. You mean the world to me.