Random Thoughts of a Unique Mind

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Quick Update

Hey all. Just wanted to give you a quick update on my dad. He went to the doctor yesterday. He did suffer a stroke due to an anurism on the frontal lobe of his brain. The good news is that it isn't bleeding at all.

He is going in for more tests tomorrow and then to see the neurosurgeon on Monday. The doctor that saw him yesterday said that it looked like that anurism is relatively small and *SHOULDN'T* need surgery. He thinks that they should be able to treat my dad with medications and that pretty soon, my dad's 'lapses' should subside and he'll be back to normal.

He isn't out of the woods yet but it wasn't the worst news we could have heard. Please continue to keep my dad in your prayers. I really appreciate the prayers and the calls that I have gotten. I will keep you all updated!

~God Bless~

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Prayer Request

Hey everyone I will keep this one short. Things here have been going superbly the last few months. I am happier now than I ever remember being. I have been put into certain situations over the past couple of weeks that a few months ago, I would have crumbled and gotten frustrated or shut myself off from the world. However, in these situations, I stood my ground. I grabbed the bull by the horns and took the lead in the situations. One of them led to me having to tell a good friend that the guy she was talking with was a jerk and totally misleading and lying to her about himself, his past and his probable intentions. Thankfully she listened :) The guy actually got mad and called me. I told him my viewpoint and he admitted his wrongs. I tell ya, we serve an awesome, almighty and awe inspiring God :-)

Now onto my prayer request. Please, please, please keep my dad and our family in your prayers. This past week, my dad has been acting funny in the mornings. Like his mind simply isn't firing on all of its cylinders so to speak. He's seemingly been confused at things that he has routinely done in the past.

My mom took him to the doctor and while the doctor didn't seem too overly concerned, he is going to run a series of tests this week. A lot of his symptoms lie somewhere in between a couple of conclusions: either a small stroke or the begining stages of Alzheimers. The symptoms seemed to come on too strong and too fast for Alzheimers, so we are actually HOPING that between the two it was a small stroke because that can be helped. I have an 'out there' theory that it could be something related to sleep apnea because my dad smoked for years. His breathing isn't very good to start with, and the oxygen could be taking longer to get to his brain. PLUS my parents have been inundated with visitors for the past month, and my dad has not been sleeping in his normal bed. I dunno, maybe I am grasping at straws.

All I can do from here is ask for your prayers. Please remember him. If the tests cause the doctor to put him in the hospital, I have already told my boss that I will be going home. If he's admitted to the hospital I will be there. Not only because he was here for me for several weeks when I was in the hospital and immediately after surgery but because he's my dad and I love him! I almost had to get up and walk out of the auditorium at church today because I almost lost it. Please, keep him in your prayers. Pray that the doctors find out what is wrong and that they can fix whatever problem that it is.

Thanks and God Bless
