Happy New Year
I hope that all of you had a great Christmas. Mine was not bad. I didn't go home to Texas because I was just too tired after working so much during the first few weeks of December. I did get to talk to my family...and my youngest nephew and niece loved their presents...so all is well.
I also hope that you all have a very safe and Happy New Year. Looking back and reflecting on the past year is always a great thing to do at the start of every new year. On a personal note, this past year has definitely been one of tremendous changes in many, many ways. First of course is the move to Alabama from Texas. This was a huge "leap" for me and so far it has worked out well. I am enjoying it here in Alabama, although it is definitely not home, nor do I intend to stay here longer than a couple of years. I really do enjoy my job, my co-workers, and the general group of people that I have met. The church that I attend is definitely "different" than I am accustomed to, but that's not a bad thing if you ask me.
There have been people this year who have come in and out of my life. For one reason or another, I have lost contact with a few friends whom I used to be pretty close to. Part of it is my fault, part of it is simply the case of people growing apart, and other stuff...I simply don't know. I realize that I am not always the easiest person in the world to get along with, but really, who is? We all have our quirks and unique personalities. However, to anyone reading this that I may have offended or upset this year, or at any time, I do sincerely apologize. I am trying to do my best to make it and at times, like anyone else, I struggle.
This year also brought me my near death. Believe me when I say that THAT put me in a whole new mindset on some things. These past couple of months, I really haven't worried over some of the petty things that I used to. Life is too short to let the small things eat at you and I have done better and in the new year will continue to strive to better myself in these things. Yes, there may be moments that I stumble, and yes I will be upset with myself when I do, but the important thing in life, if you ask me, is not that you get to the mountain-top....but it's the journey along the way.
With that being said, life IS indeed a journey and I believe that it is our responsibility to sit back every now and then and enjoy the view. The most gorgeous views from a mountain are not always at its peak or summit. Sometimes they come along the way.
I hope and pray that you all have a safe, wonderful and happy new year. I go in for my next surgery on January 2nd. It's pretty routine but please, keep that (and the surgery on the 8th) in your prayers. I would appreciate it very much.
Hope to hear from you all soon!
~God Bless~