What makes people tick?
In the wake of the tragedy that occured at Virginia Tech this week, even moreso than normal I am left to contemplate, what exactly makes people tick? You have all of these so called "experts" who are trying to diagnose the condition of a dead person now. Naturally, I don't know all of the facts about this guy, but to hear people say it, he has ALWAYS been a loner. To a fault even. It sounds as if people at least TRIED to be friendly and cordial to the guy, but he never accepted any of it.
From best I can tell, the guy was just plain mean and quite frankly narcissistic. Nice, even semi-nice people don't totally shun the world. It's always someone else's fault. Cho and people of his ilk never accept the responsibilities that lay in their lap.
Then within minutes of the tragedy you had your people on the far left and far right spewing their radical opinions on gun control and rights of Universities. Yes, *SOME* control of firearms is needed, and yes, colleges and universities need *SOME* sort of authority when it comes to intervention into the warning signs that were obviously present in this case, but the bottom line is that you can't hold any one person or group of people totally responsible for this except for the killer himself. In his egotism he decided to take 32 other people with him when he decided that his time was here. There is definitely a special place in Hell for people like him.
Enough of that. Next week, I will be on vacation. I am heading to Austin, Texas to see my youngest nephew and niece. I get to see Sarah play tee ball :) That will definitely be exciting. I may even take her to a Round Rock Express baseball game. They are a minor league team for the Houston Astros.
I will complete this particular post with a thought that came into my head on Tuesday as I was thinking about Virginia Tech:
"Earth has no fury which Heaven cannot heal"
God Bless!