Good News Abound
Hey all! The past couple of weeks have been really busy and turbulant but so far, all is going well. First, my dad did indeed suffer a minor stroke. The doctors elected not to do any surgery, and are going to run some scans in a couple of months to see how he is progressing. I saw him last week and while you can tell that his reasoning skills have been affected, he is apparently slowly progressing according to my family. Since he isn't having surgery, I am going to go ahead with our planned trip to Colorado the week of Labor Day. The doctor gave him the clear to fly, so he and I are headed there on Labor Day and going to take in its sights. I bought the tickets yesterday.
Then, last Thursday, I became an uncle to an absolutely gorgeous baby girl :) My sister in Birmingham gave birth to little Miss Addison. She weighed in at a whopping 5 pounds and 11 ounces. SUCH a cutie. I went up on Saturday and spent the weekend with them. I tell ya, there is just something so sweet and comforting about holding a new baby. She is such a doll. I just sat there, holding her and smiling. She LOVES to stretch. Her little legs and arms stretch quite often. It's funny to watch :-)
THEN...I found out the other day that my brother and his wife are expecting their first baby together in March. So far....noone has asked me about getting married and having kids. Ya see, I am the only one of the five kids in the family not to have any children. Someday maybe, gotta find one of those wife thingies first. That seems to be the hard part :-)~
Anyway, I hope that everyone is doing well. Please continue to keep my dad in your prayers. Talk to y'all soon!
God Bless