Hey All, just wanted to give an update as to what has been going on health-wise with me. As my friend Lisa adequately put it, "You don't get sick often but man when you do, it's a doozie."
I probably over-extended myself last Friday. It was the first day that I felt pretty good in the past few days and then I went and worked a fourteen hour day. I woke up Saturday feeling like total junk. It never got any better over the weekend so on Tuesday, I worked about 6 hours (got everything loaded and the drivers dispatched plus did my paper/computer work and filing) and left. I went to the doctor after going home and showering.
The doctor's office did some bloodwork. They are pretty concerned about some of the results that turned up. My liver enzyme count was pretty high, so that prompted the doctor to make me two appointments. One with an Internal Medicine Specialst and one with a GI. They are saying it could be anything from jaundis to some form of tuburculosis. Whatever it is, I need to get it taken care of. The appointments are on October 30 and November 10.
Other than that, I haven't had any strength or energy to do anything special at all. I am just tired of being sick and especially tired of this stupid liquid diet! I want some FOOD! :-)
Anyway, I will try to keep y'all posted periodically as to what I find out. Hope y'all are doing well!